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Archive of posts tagged Nan

Nan Smith

Email Writer’s Showcase Alt Series How I Spent My Christmas Vacation: An Alt-World Story – (108k) Homecoming – (33k) Pheromone Series Pheromone, More Likely – (173k) Twins – (441k) The Wedding Series Wedding Day – (10k) Wedding Aftermath – (14k) The Nightfall Series Four Days to Nightfal – (343k) Teamwork – (226k) Buried Secrets – […]

Wedding Aftermath

Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG Disclaimer: The familiar characters and settings in this story are not mine. They belong to DC Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions and whoever else may have any legal right to claim them, nor am I profiting by their use. The story is based on the Lois and […]

Wedding Day

Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG Disclaimer: The familiar characters and settings in this story are not mine. They belong to DC Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions and whoever else may have any legal right to claim them, nor am I profiting by their use. The story is based on the Lois and […]

Vanishing Act

Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG Disclaimer: The familiar characters and settings of this story are the property of DC Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions, et. al., and no infringement of copyright is intended. The story is strictly my idea, and is copyrighted to me. Nan Smith This story occurs shortly after “Priorities” […]

How I Spent My Christmas Vacation: An Alt-World Story

Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG Disclaimer: The familiar characters and settings in this story are not mine. They are the property of DC Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions and whoever else can legally claim them, nor am I profiting from their use. Any dialogue from any episode of the series used in […]


Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: G Submitted: November, 2004 Disclaimer: The familiar characters and settings in this story are not mine. They belong to DC Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions and whoever else may have any legal right to claim them, nor am I profiting by their use. The story is based on […]

The Way It Should Have Been

Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: G Introduction I know other people have done their own versions of ATAI–I’ve read plenty of them. And many of them were quite good. But I always thought that Clark acted in an incredibly irrational fashion in that episode, and as a result got in a lot more trouble […]


Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG This is the sequel to “Four Days to Nightfall” and begins two days after “Charlie” deflected Nightfall, thereby saving the Earth from destruction. There is no Superman, yet, and Clark Kent has just been hired at the Daily Planet… And now: Teamwork By Nan Smith “Clark Kent, this […]


Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG Submitted: July 3, 03 Disclaimer: The familiar characters and settings in this story do not belong to me. They are the property of DC Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions and whoever else can legally claim them. Any new characters, scenes and the story itself are mine. Suspicions […]

Strange Relationships

Author: Nan Smith Email: Rated: PG This is the sequel to “A Night at the Office”. As was pointed out to me in an e-mail, “Night” was only half a revelation, and given that it came at a fairly crucial point in the Lois and Clark saga, what came next was important, too. As […]