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Lois & Clark: The Fairytales

This idea for this challenge sprang out of a slightly bizarre email exchange between me and Doc Klein’s LabRat, who was beta-reading one of my stories.  You don’t really want to know any more than that, trust me. <g>

The challenge was posted as follows:

“Write an adaptation of a fairy story, using L&C characters. Hans-El and Gret-El, Rumpelclarkskin, Cinderlois, whatever. Just think, Mindy would make an excellent wicked stepmother.  Simple, but I think it should be good for a laugh.”

LabRat had urged me to write a series of fairy-tale stories, but I hoped that by making it a challenge we’d get more, and more varied, stories. And how true that proved to be!  From LabRat’s own hilarious Loispunzel to Shayne’s WAFFy Ugly Duckling to Hazel’s clever crossover, H&G&L&C; from Marnie’s short and sweet Three Bears to the longer stories that are still in progress as I write; we’ve had stories in all shapes and sizes, and they’ve all made wonderful reading!

Many thanks to everyone who’s participated, and I hope the success of this challenge will lead to more fun challenges in the future. ;^)

Meredith Knight

Lois & Clark: The Fairytales
Cinder(Lois)Ellen and the Prince – (35k) – Wendy Richards
Ebony Locks – (13k) – Meredith Knight
Lois and Clark Fairy Tale from the Dark Side: The Key, A – (81k) Key, The – Labrat
Lois and Clark Fairy Tale: Loispunzel and the Prince, A – (28k) – Labrat
Allfur – (15k) – BrightFeather